
gorilla trejjing in uganda

Gorilla trekking is done in Bwindi impenetrable and Mgahinga gorilla national park in western Uganda. Gorilla tracking is unforgettable experience which more than repays the effort needed to reach the two National Parks.
Mgahinga National Park has one habituated gorilla group that can be tracked by tourists.

Gorilla tracking is the most thrilling tourist activity in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The habituated gorilla group in this park is called the Nyakagezi, which consists of 9 members, 2 silverbacks, 3 adult females, 2 juveniles and 2 infants.

Bwindi impenetrable national park has the largest number of Gorilla group and these include: Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga. Rushage Gorilla group is where gorilla habituation adventure occurs, gorilla habituation means depending more than 3hours with the endangered species of mountain gorillas.

Transfer to the park headquarters for registration and briefing for about gorilla trekking adventure 0700hours. Gorilla trekking experience starts at 0830hours and can take three to eight hours. The trackers and guides have helped to habituate the gorilla groups and know them intimately. They will take you to the area where they left the mountain gorillas the day before. Before leaving they may be able to suggest how long the hike might be.

Best time to trek gorillas
Gorilla trekking in protected areas is open to visitors throughout the year. But it is best done in June, July, August and September then December, January and February. During this period, gorilla trekking is easier because it is a dry season and the habitat remains relatively drier thus making it simpler for visitors to hike through the dense jungles and steep slopes to search for mountain gorillas.

However, March, April, May and October, November are equally good for one to embark on gorilla trekking in the National Parks but these months are characterized by heavy rainfall, muddy and slippery steep slopes which make it challenging for one to hike while in search for these apes.

However, expect heavy rains and mud surfaces even in the dry season as forest characteristics.

Please Note

  • While walking, please feel free to ask guides to slow down if they are going too fast and if you need a rest.
  • Feel free to stop and look at birds or flowers, the guide will ensure that you don’t get left behind.
  • Gorilla Tracking can be strenuous walk, so go prepared. It is advisable that you: Wear shoes with good traction, suitable for steep muddy slopes
  • Carry rain gear, sunscreen and a hut, as the weather is unpredictable.
  • Carry water and food
  • Carry binoculars, you will see much more, you can hire from the park office
  • When taking photos, remember your subjects are black animals in dim light, and flash is not allowed.

NB: Gorilla tracking is Uganda’s most sought after tourism activity. You should book well in advance to ensure that permits for your requested dates are available.

What to pack for gorilla trek in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park requires you to pack appropriately starting with essentials first. In your packing list for gorilla trekking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, consider the following a must to carry-waterproof hiking boots, gardening gloves, insect repellents, camera with extra batteries, long sleeved shirts/t-shirt, trousers, hat, sunscreen, first aid/medical kit, gorilla permit, valid visa/passport, walking stick which you can find at the park headquarters a mention but a few.

Mountain Gorilla Trekking Rules
To protect the endangered mountain gorillas in Uganda, the following rules and regulations must be observed:

  • No one with a communicable disease, such as flu or diarrhoea, is allowed to visit the gorillas.
  • Do not surround the gorillas but remain in a tight group.
  • Leave a distance of at least 5m between you and the gorillas.
  • If they approach you, move back slowly.
  • Flash photography is strictly forbidden.
  • Do not eat or smoke within 200m of the gorillas.
  • If you need to sneeze or cough, turn away from the gorillas and cover your nose and mouth.
  • Bury all human faeces in a hole dug at least 30cm (one foot) deep and ensure that it is properly filled in afterwards.
  • All litter must be removed from the park for disposal.
  • Do not spit on vegetation or soil while in the park.
  • No person under 15 years is allowed to track gorillas.
  • When with the gorillas, avoid making loud noises or sudden movements.
  • Contact time with the gorillas is strictly limited to one hour.
  • Please observe all instructions from your guide.

Good behaviour

  • Keep your voice down or be quiet. You will see and hear if you do.
  • Don’t point or waive your arms- this can be seen as a threat. Move slowly.
  • If approached by a gorilla, back away slowly to keep 5m separation.
  • Don’t use flash, this could threaten the gorillas and bother other visitors.


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